Rainbows Ireland
The Rainbows Programme provides vital support for children experiencing bereavement or parental separation. With the approval of the Board of Management and in collaboration with Rainbows Ireland, several teachers at St. Luke’s NS have recently completed training for the programme. It is anticipated that, subject to need and interest, the school will be in a position to offer the Rainbows Programme to pupils.

What is Rainbows?
Rainbows offers a 9-week group support programme designed for children and young people (ages 7 and up) who are experiencing grief due to bereavement or parental separation.
Key Features:
- Groups are formed based on the age of the children.
- Separate groups are organised to specifically support those dealing with bereavement and parental separation.
- The programme provides a safe and supportive space for children to explore and express their emotions.
Please note: Rainbows is not a counselling or therapy service. It is a group-based support programme and does not provide one-to-one sessions.
If you are interested in learning more or registering your child, please contact rainbows@stlukesns.ie to ask a questions, express interest or request a call back. Spaces are limited, so early registration is recommended.