St. Luke's National School Roll NumberRoll Number: 16675V Follow St. Luke's National School on Instagram Follow St. Luke's National School on X

Find St. Luke's National SchoolHollywood Road, Tyrrelstown, Dublin 15, D15 CH64 Call St. Luke's National School01 885 6015

The History of St. Luke’s National School

Mulhuddart School was located on the site of an old converted barn in Mulhuddart village. In 1897, there were eighty children on rolls at Mulhuddart Schools but only sixty in attendance. It was estimated that sixteen per cent of the population of the parish was illiterate. Parents often kept their children at home to work on the farm especially at harvest time. Pupils stayed at the school for up to eleven years and rarely went on to second level education.

The official name of the new school was Mulhuddart National Schools indicating that the boys and girls were educated separately. The master taught the boys in one room while in the other room the girls, from junior infants to seventh class, were taught by the schoolmistress.

Mulhuddart National School in 1999

During the 1950’s, when Mick Falvey, the former Clare hurler, was principal, boys and girls were mixed in class although separated for play in the school yard. Mulhuddart School was a two teacher school at this time.

Many new housing estates were built in the area leading to a population explosion. Several new parishes were created. For a time Mulhuddart School was administered by the priests of Corduff Parish.

Mr. Brian Daly replaced Noel Keating as principal of Mulhuddart School. The following year two new classrooms were added to the school. When Fr. Leo Quinlan was appointed in 1984 the school was incorporated into Mulhuddart New Parish.

Four teachers educated the sixty-four boys and fifty-two girls on roll. Children attended from the village, Brookhaven (Cul na Glaise), Mulhuddart Wood (Coill Mhullach Eadrad) and Lady’s Well (Tobar Muire).

After rapid growth in the previous years the old school in Mulhuddart village was closed and the school relocated to a new 8-classroom temporary building on Powerstown Road in Tyrrelstown.