Creative Schools
Creative Schools is a flagship initiative of the Creative Ireland Programme to enable the creative potential of every child. Creative Schools is led by the Arts Council in partnership with the Department of Education and the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media.
It aims to put the arts and creativity at the heart of children and young people’s lives. We are delighted to be involved with this initiative and many exciting events have already taken place. Our overall goal is to integrate the arts and creativity in our approach to learning across all areas of the curriculum here at St. Luke’s National School.
Creative School’s Week 2023
Beatboxing with Thunderclap Murphy

Fourth class were the lucky group chosen to enjoy the musical experience with Thunderclap Murphy.
The children heard a demonstration of beat boxing and live looping. They then got involved with a variety of instruments brought into the school and had an opportunity to show off their own beat boxing skills.
We want to thank Thunderclap Murphy for very kindly volunteering his time and coming to share his wonderful talents with the children.
Thunderclap Murphy is a busker/performer who can be found on Grafton Street as well as international festivals such as Glastonbury. He is also the camp manager of the Tyrrelstown Rockjam Summer Camps. Yes, our very own school of rock here in Tyrrelstown!!
If you would like to find out more about the Rockjam summer camps, please click here. There are lots of dates available and no musical experience is necessary.
Collage with Mirjam in Senior Infants
Mirjam from Creative Schools joined senior infants for a day of creativity. The children used sugar paper and glue to create animals from their imagination. They turned out great!!
Art Competition
Well done to all the winners of the art competition!!

Here is just a small sample of the fantastic art on display around our school this May. The theme for the Art Competition was ‘My World’. The children really used their imagination to show us what is important in their world.
Dancing with K-Star Academy

On Tuesday, Karen from K-Star Academy kindly volunteered her time to share her love of dance with the three second classes.
The children had a fabulous time and really enjoyed the dance classes. K-Star Academy takes place in Tyrrelstown Community Centre every Thursday from 4 pm. Classes are available for children from 4 years of age up to early teens.
For more information you can check out the K-Star Academy website:

The pupils in fourth class enjoyed a Zumba dance class with Zara from the Tyrrelstown Community Centre.
The feedback was amazing and we thank Zara for volunteering her time to make our Creative School’s Week such a fun and active week for our pupils.
There are Zumba classes every week in the local community centre and if you would like more information please follow this link:
African Drumming
The children from first and fifth class had a fantastic time playing the African drums with Paul from the Mobile Music School.
Pottery with Lucy
Pottery Lesson with Lucy was great fun! The children from third class and Ms. McEntegart’s first class learned loads and were super impressed to hear all about Lucy’s projects!! Afterwards, the children got to make their on pieces using clay and later they painted their wonderful creations.
Photography Talk with Vincent
As the communion photographs were taking place, we decided to have a chat with our friendly photographer Vincent. He showed the children all of his equipment and took some great photos on the day. Vincent took photos and showed us some of his photo-shop skills. The children had great fun and were only delighted to pose in front of the camera. See for yourself!
Crazy Hair Day
Ms. Geraghty and the student’s council organised a fundraiser for Pieta House and raised over €370 for the worthy cause. The children and staff had great fun coming up with crazy hairstyles. Well done to everyone involved.
St. Luke’s Talent Show
The children from second, third and forth class came together to enjoy a wonderful showcase of talent. It was a pleasure to watch such a variety of talents. There were dancers, singers and musicians.
Everyone was blown away!
Painting in Senior Infants
Drama for Junior Infants and Third Class
Two of our sixth class leaders in the school joined third class and junior infants for a fun and engaging drama lesson. The girls played games and got the whole class involved with fun activities they have learned in their own drama classes outside of school. Well done girls, you were great and the children really enjoyed the lesson.
Creativity in Junior Infants
Ms. Omojola and the junior infant pupils used sticks and recycled materials to make fun stick people for our school garden.
Bodhrán Workshops
Rob from Tempo Music School was in to teach the pupils from third and sixth class about the bodhrán.
The children had a great time and played along to ‘John Ryan’s Polka’. Some of the children said, “I loved the flute and getting to play along with it,” while another said “Rob was super kind and it was really fun!”