Kindness Hero
At St. Luke’s NS, we love to celebrate the kindness of our students! Every week, our teachers choose the kindest person in the class. Then, we pick one lucky person at random to receive a special certificate. They get their picture taken and bring a shiny trophy back to their class to show everyone! They are the ‘Kindness Hero’ of the week.
Class of the Week
The Student Council has created a system for all classes to rate themselves on various criteria, including tasks like cleaning up and being kind to others. Each class will assess their own performance in these areas, and the class that scores the highest will be awarded the “Class of the Week” title. To encourage friendly competition and motivate students, the winning class will receive a teddy bear, a certificate, and a box of chocolates. All classes participate in this initiative, striving to perform their best to earn these rewards.

Wellbeing Week
Wellbeing Week in St.Luke’s N.S will take place from the 19th-23rd of September. Children will be able to enjoy a number of different activities with their classes, including art activities, gratitude and mindful activities and co-operative games. Children are invited to wear colourful clothes next Friday the 23rd of September to celebrate Wellbeing Week! Children from a number of different classes helped with our colourful Wellbeing Display. We hope everyone has a great week!

Amber Flag Award
We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for taking part in our Amber Flag application during the year. We managed to get the Amber Flag which is a great achievement. A special thanks to The Student Council for all their hard work.
The Amber Flag is an initiative which aims to promote positive mental health and well being in our school. It involves the school coming together to create a positive and healthy attitude towards our physical and mental health and wellbeing. The amber flag is awarded upon achieving these aims and we are delighted to say we will be able to fly the flag outside the school!
Amber Flag
This year St. Luke’s N.S are applying for the Amber Flag. This is an initiative which aims to promote positive mental health and well being in our school.
It involves the school coming together to create a positive and healthy attitude towards our physical and mental health and wellbeing.
We put up new boards, we had a Wellbeing Week and a fundraiser for charity. A lot has been going on in the school. The Student Council have been very busy organising everything.