Aladdin App
Aladdin Schools software service is used in St. Luke’s National School for administrative purposes. Aladdin Schools uses state of the art security to safeguard information entered by the school and data is stored and processed in strict compliance with Irish data protection laws.

The Aladdin Connect portal is part of this and gives you secure access to messages from the school and to details of your child’s attendance, test results, reports cards etc. via secure login from your internet browser or Aladdin Connect App.
Aladdin Connect is a fantastic way to enhance a school’s communication with its parents. It enables parents to stay connected and informed about their child’s education. Some of these features are:
- Ensuring schools has their most up to date contact information.
- Keeping parents apprised of their child’s attendance.
- Keeps parents up to date on school and classroom news via noticeboard messages.
- Allows parents view their child’s approved report card.
- Allowing schools to gather permission(s) from parents.
- Allowing parents to quickly and efficiently select preferred slots for parent teacher meetings.
- Allow parents to enter absence reasons and send attendance notes to the school if their child will be arriving late / leaving early.
The help section on the Aladdin website is a fantastic resource with a bank of FAQs to assist users in using Aladdin Connect. Check out the Cheat Sheets below for some useful tips for using the app.